
To use yamicache in a project:

from yaimcache import Cache

app_cache = Cache()

def square(var):
    return var ** 2

square(2)  # Will cache the first time
square(2)  # Cache hit
square(2)  # Cache hit
square(3)  # New cached item
square(3)  # Cache hit
square(3)  # New cached item


You probably shouldn’t indefinitely store really large objects if you don’t really need to.

Object Creation

In order to enable caching, you must first create a Cache object:

from yamicache import Cache
c = Cache()

The caching object has the following parameters available during object creation:

  • hashing (bool): This controls how default cache keys are created. By default, they key will hashed to make things a bit more readable.
  • key_join (str): This is the character used to join the different parts that make up the default key.
  • debug (bool): When True, Cache.counters will be enabled and cache hits will produce output on stdout.
  • prefix (str): All cache keys will use this prefix. Since the current implementation is instance-based, this is only helpful if dumping or comparing the cache to another instance.
  • quiet (bool): Don’t print during debug cache hits
  • default_timeout (int): If > 0, all cached items will be considered stale this many seconds after they are cached. In that case, the function will be run again, cached, and a new timeout value will be created.
  • gc_thread_wait (int): The number of seconds in between cache garbage collection. The default, None, will disable the garbage collection thread. This parameter is only valid if default_timeout is > 0 (ValueError is raised otherwise).


@Cache.cached(key, timeout)

This is the main decorator you use to cache the result from the function. Yamicache stores the result of the function and the function’s inputs. Subsequent calls to this function, with the same inputs, will not call the function’s code. Yamicache will return the function’s result.

key: This input parameter can be used to specify the exact key you wish to store in the cache. This can make testing easier. You would normally leave this parameter blank. This will allow yamicache to build a key based on the function being called and the arguments being used.


You cannot duplicate a key. Attempts to instantiated a cached object with the same key will raise ValueError.

timeout: You can use this parameter to override the default timeout value used by the yamicache.Cache object.


This decorator can be used to force Cache.clear() whenever the function is called. This is handy when you call a function that should change the state of the object and its cache (e.g. creating a directory after you already cached the result of ls).

Context Managers

Yamicache includes the following context managers to override default caching behavior.

override_timeout(cache_obj, timeout)

This will override the timeout value set either by the Cache object or the cached decorator. For example:

from yamicache import Cache, override_timeout
c = Cache()

def long_op():
    return 1

with override_timeout(c, timeout=5):


This will disable the default caching mechanism. The cache will not be modified when this context manager is used. For example:

from yamicache import Cache, nocache
c = Cache()

def long_op(value):
    return value

long_op(1)  # First time; result will be cached
long_op(1)  # cached result will be returned

with nocache(c):
    long_op(1)  # Function code will be run; value will not affect cache

Garbage Collection

You may want to periodically remove items from the cache that are no longer valid or stale. There are a few of ways to do this:

  1. Periodically call clear(): This removes everything from the cache.
  2. Periodically call collect(): This removes only items that exist and are stale*
  3. Create the object with non-zero default_timeout and non-zero gc_thread_wait: This will spawn a garbage collection thread that periodically calls collect() for you.


Calling collect(), or using the garbage collection thread, is only valid when using a timeout value > 0